Loose Canons

Movie #10

Date Released: 2.23.90

Date Watched: ?


Loose Cannons is an enjoyable film. As momentum grows these days to destigmatize mental illness, I think people would take issue with Aykroyd’s character, who plays a police officer with multiple personality disorder (sort of (also, have you noticed how many comedies of the 1990’s involve police officers (also, has this always been done and does it have to do with an American anti-authoritarian streak?))) That said, despite some blood, mental illness, and violence, this is a pretty light comedy, and it is much more akin to the comedies of the 80’s that are thematically less heavy.

It’s also important to note that Gene Hackman is just a damn good actor and it is always enjoyable to watch him do his work. Dan Aykroyd has also had his moments and he does a pretty good job in this movie. As I said, overall an enjoyable film. Funny enough, light(ish) and a good enough crime plot to keep things moving. It never quite lives up to Dan Aykroyd’s first scene back on the police force after his hiatus with the Benedictine Monks.

Having now watched my tenth comedy from the 1990’s, it seems like as good a time as ever to take stock. So far, the movies have not been that strong but it has been an interesting and enjoyable endeavor. The best of the lot has been Men Don’t Leave, which, as you read, I really enjoyed. I also thought Tremors, Metropolitan, and House Party were all legitimately enjoyable. So, my current assessment is that 1 out of 10 was very good, 3 out of the 10 have been pretty enjoyable, and one has been not bad. A couple of movies (Downtown and Heart Condition) sort of hover in the lower middle. 

It isn’t lost on me that almost all the movies I’ve watched so far were written or take place in the late 80’s. These movies have all been cuspers and some seem overtly aware of the change in decade and, as I’ve mentioned, possibly thinking about the coming new millennium. In each, there has been a modicum of optimism, except the relationship of white cops and the black community in House Party. Is there going to be something to learn here from this little experiment? I have no idea!

Publishing Notes:




Men Don’t Leave